
Podcast - Bus Kahani Hai

T his post is dedicated to introducing my Podcast - Bus Kahani Hai . I have made this podcast with an intention to connect to people through my voice. This is not only a means of sharing my views and stories with the world but is also a medium to talk to myself.   A podcast is a good medium to connect with people as it does not demand the attention of your eyes; all it wants from you is to lend your ears. Often when you are commuting on a bus or in a metro, listening to a podcast can be a great idea: All you need is an earphone and bingo! My Podcast - Bus Kahani Hai has a Trailer as an introduction and episodes that are published from time to time. All the episodes so far have been archived below with dedicated links for one-click listening. Also, it is my humble request to leave your valuable feedback and comments on this post or on my  Instagram page     Twitter handle  Bus Kahani Hai              Latest Episodes Episode 4 : Khidki Ke Baa

Balanced Diet Vs Crash Diet

What is Balanced Diet ? A balanced diet is one that gives our body the nutrition it needs to function properly and optimally.  In order to get truly balanced nutrition, we must obtain the majority of our daily calories from fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Hence, a balanced diet should meet daily needs of Proteins, Carbohydrates, Vitamins and Minerals in the right proportions. With the fast changing lifestyle our eating habits have also gone a myriad change. We have options of eating things that taste better and are extremely convenient to cook as well. These two factors have completely changed our choice of food. The migration from Chapatti to Pizza, Upma to Maggi is a testimony to this debate. We prefer packed portable fruit juices to fresh fruits. In a bargain we lose healthy nutrients and actually take a lot of excessive sugars and preservatives that the processed branded juice is made up of. The fiber or roughage, essential for metabolism an